
At Saint 弗朗西斯 Healthcare System, we are guided by the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) of Catholic Health Care 服务. These directives are founded on the 社会教导 of the Catholic Church and, 通过扩展, on the deliberations of the Magisterium, the 教会法 and 神圣的经文 in the faith tradition of the Catholic Church. Our practice will be vetted under the following:



Pastoral Care at Saint 弗朗西斯 Medical Center provides spiritual and emotional care to patients, 家属及职员. 它支持 Healthcare System’s mission of healing and meets the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ standards that state, “病人 have a fundamental right to considerate care that safeguards their personal dignity and respects their cultural, psychosocial and spiritual values.”

Chaplains and Spiritual Care Ministers

Pastoral Care’s Chaplains and Spiritual Care Ministers are theologically, 社会心理, 经过临床训练的神职人员, religious and 32 laypersons whose work reflects:

  • Sensitivity to multicultural and multi-faith realities
  • Respect for patients’ spiritual and religious preferences
  • Understanding of the impact illness may have on individuals and their caregivers
  • Knowledge of healthcare organizational structure and dynamics
  • Accountability as part of a professional patient care team, participating in medical rounds, patient care conferences and charting spiritual care interventions in medical charts

The office of 任务集成 and 教牧关怀服务 is Staffed by Priest Chaplains and Spiritual Care Ministers:


Pastoral Care’s professional chaplains reach across all faith group boundaries and provide supportive spiritual care to people in distress through:

  • Risk screening to identify individuals with religious/spiritual conflicts that may compromise their recovery or satisfactory adjustment
  • Facilitation of spiritual issues related to organ/tissue donation
  • Crisis intervention/critical stress debriefing
  • Conflict resolution among staff, patients and family members
  • 术前和术后访问
  • Staff support of personal crisis or work stress
  • Organizational support during Medical Center changes or crisis
  • 宗教咨询

Ceremonies of Worship and Ritual

The priest and professional chaplains in 开普吉拉多市 design and lead religious ceremonies of worship and offer services including:

  • Mass in the Saint 弗朗西斯 Chapel
  • Sacraments (baptism at the time of birth or as requested by adults or family)
  • Prayer daily at 8 am and 8 pm through overhead announcement


Pastoral Care consults with staff and patients about ethical concerns, 尤其是那些与…有关的 Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care 服务. They also educate the healthcare team and community about the relationship between religious/spiritual issues and Medical Center services in the following ways:

  • Ministerial alliance participation
  • Making presentations concerning spirituality and health issues
  • Mission integration activities and orientation of new employees (i.e., history, tradition, philosophy, and values)


Mass is held Monday through Friday at 11 am. 服务 can be viewed on Channel 22 in patients’ rooms.



Pastoral Care supports 永恒的圣餐崇拜, which is staffed by more than 300 volunteers from the community, who pray for all the needs of the Medical Center 24 hours a day, 一周七天, 在礼拜堂里.


呼叫 573-331-5146 or 573-331-5826 to learn more about Pastoral Care at Saint 弗朗西斯.

Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Springfield-开普吉拉多市 Diocese


Parishes in Our Region – Deanery 6

Diocese of Springfield-开普吉拉多市
  • 推进
  • 本顿
    • St. 丹尼斯
      135 N Winchester Street, 本顿, MO
  • 开普吉拉多市
    • 天主教校园事工
      Newman Center Chapel, 902 College Hill, 开普吉拉多市, MO
    • 旧圣. 文森特(安逸教堂)
      Main & William Streets, 开普吉拉多市, MO
    • St. Mary Of The Annunciation Cathedral
      615 William Street, 开普吉拉多市, MO
    • St. 文森特·德·保罗
      1913 Ritter Drive, 开普吉拉多市, MO
  • 查菲堡
    • St. 安布罗斯
  • Fredericktown
    • St. 大天使米迦勒
      304 W Main Steet, Fredericktown, MO
  • Glennon
  • Ironton
    • Ste. 玛丽·杜拉克
  • 杰克逊
    • 圣灵感孕说
      208 S Hope Street, Suite 102, 杰克逊, MO
  • 凯尔索
    • St. 奥古斯汀
      211 S Messmer Street, 220 S Us Highway 61, 凯尔索, MO
  • 利奥波德
    • St. 约翰
  • Lesterville
  • 新汉堡
  • 奥兰
    • 守护天使
  • 斯科特的城市
    • St. 约瑟夫
      604 Sycamore Street, 斯科特的城市, MO
  • 荚莲属的植物
    • St. 菲利普Benizi

Message from the Director of Health Affairs in the Diocese

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