

高级骨科专家圣弗朗西斯骨科研究所 provides you with the freedom you desire and the trusted care you deserve. 病人可以很容易地访问 全方位治疗 治疗骨科损伤和踝关节状况, 肘, 脚, 手, 臀部, 膝盖, 肩膀和手腕. 我们的目标是让你回到通往更高质量生活的道路上.

“When patients come see us they can find comfort in the fact that we will listen. 我们会倾听他们的烦恼, 然后,我们将与他们合作,找到解决这个问题的办法,” R. 奥古斯特·里特三世,马里兰州.

哈里·雷迪杰博士. 里特. 雷蒂格说,我所经历的痛苦消失了. It's been four and a half years, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results.


美国整形外科委员会, all of our orthopedic surgeons and orthopedists are trained in the latest treatments and procedures.

With more than eighty years of experience and top-in-the-nation rankings for low infection rates and quality outcomes, 高级骨科专家 is committed to making a real difference in the lives of their patients.

“对于我关心的人——我的朋友——我绝对信任他们, my family – because I just had excellent care from the beginning to the end,芭芭拉·斯特拉菲尔说, 膝关节置换患者.


在高级骨科专科医院, 我们有专业知识, 的经验, 以及提供卓越骨科护理的技术, 专门满足您的个性化需求.

  • 脚踝
  • 臀部
  • 关节置换 & 修订
  • 膝盖
  • 疼痛管理
  • 物理医学 & 康复
  • 肩膀
  • 运动医学
  • 手腕


在高级骨科专科医院, we strive to provide our patients with the exceptional orthopedic care they deserve.


整形外科(或者, orthopaedics) is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions, 肌肉的紊乱和损伤, 骨头, 关节, 肌腱, 韧带和神经. A doctor who specializes in this medical specialty is called an orthopedic surgeon.


关节炎这个词的字面意思是“关节炎症”.” Arthritis refers to a group of more than 100 rheumatic diseases and other conditions that cause pain, 刚度, 关节肿胀. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease damaging the lining surrounding our 关节 while also destroying our 骨头, 组织和关节随着时间的推移. Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition slowly damaging the cartilage surrounding the ends of 骨头 and is common in the 臀部, 膝盖或脊柱.


滑囊炎是指滑囊的炎症或刺激, 哪个是关节周围充满液体的囊. 滑囊炎导致受影响关节的活动减少或丧失. 滑囊炎通常发生在脚跟、臀部、膝盖、肩膀或拇指.


Tendonitis, medically known as tendinitis, is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon. 慢性压力, 过度使用或误用肌腱导致重复性应力损伤, 或者严重的急性损伤会导致身体虚弱, 肌腱组织撕裂或肿胀, 导致肌腱附近疼痛和僵硬. 肌腱炎通常发生在肘部, 臀部, 膝盖, 肩膀, 拇指或手腕, 但是可以发生在任何有肌腱的地方.

我应该用冰敷伤口吗? 我应该用热敷伤口吗?

The general rule of thumb is to use ice in the acute stage of an injury (within the first 24-48 hours), 或者出现肿胀的时候. Ice helps to reduce inflammation and swelling by decreasing blood flow to the area that is injured. The general guideline is to apply ice indirectly (not directly on the skin) for 20 minutes, 除去冰块至少20分钟,必要时可以重复.

热是用来增加血液流动的, 在炎症和肿胀消退后,哪种药物有助于缓解疼痛. 在运动前,热也被用来帮助热身肌肉, 任何身体活动或物理治疗.



整形外科医生, 也被称为骨科医生, is a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathy (DO) who specializes in the musculoskeletal system—骨头, 关节, 肌肉, 韧带, 肌腱和神经.


Orthopedic surgeons are specialized in the musculoskeletal system; many orthopedists specialize in certain areas of the body, 比如脚和脚踝, 手和手腕, 或回, 颈部和脊柱. 另外, 骨科医生可能专注于骨科的一个特定领域, 喜欢儿科, 运动医学或创伤.

测试 & 治疗的定义


Arthroscopic surgery is a surgical procedure commonly performed to diagnose and treat problems within the joint. 通过使用高科技相机, 整形外科医生插入一个小器械, 称为关节镜, 进入关节.

The arthroscope contains a fiber optic light source and small television camera that allow the surgeon to view the joint on a television monitor and diagnose the problem, 确定受伤的程度并进行必要的修复.


骨密度测试用于诊断骨质疏松症, which is a disease that causes weakening of the 骨头 that can ultimately results in fractures. 在过去, osteoporosis could only be detected after a person’s bone broke; however, 通过骨密度测试, it is possible to know one’s individual risk of breaking 骨头 before one breaks.

A bone density test uses X-rays to measure the amount of calcium and other bone mineral packed into the segment of bone. Common areas that are tested using a bone density scan include the spine, 臀部 and forearm.


糖皮质激素, 通常被称为, 可的松, 类固醇是体内自然产生的吗. Synthetically produced can also be injected into soft tissues and 关节 to help decrease inflammation.

While 可的松 is not a pain reliever, pain may diminish as a result of reduced inflammation. 在整形外科, 可的松 injections are commonly used as a treatment for chronic conditions such as bursitis, 减轻肌腱炎及关节炎的肿胀, 疼痛和关节僵硬.


A fusion is a procedure in which 骨头 are fused together with bone grafts and internal devices (such as metal rods and screws) to heal into a single solid bone.


Internal fixation is a treatment to hold pieces of a broken bone in the correct position with metal plates, 在骨头愈合期间使用针或螺钉.


Joint replacement surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to replace an arthritic or damaged joint with a new, 人工关节, 叫做假体. 关节置换可以在身体的每个关节上进行, 但最常在膝盖上进行, 臀部, 肩膀和肘部.

关节含有软骨. 在保护关节和促进运动之后,随着时间的推移, 或者关节受伤了, the cartilage wears away and the 骨头 of the joint start rubbing together. As the 骨头 rub together, bone spurs may form, and the joint becomes stiff and painful. Most people have joint replacement surgery when they can no longer control the pain with medication and other treatments and the pain is significantly interfering with their lives.


Osteotomy is a procedure to correct bone deformity by cutting and repositioning the bone.

Soft tissue repair is a treatment to mend or fix soft tissues, such as 肌腱 or 韧带.


联系 高级骨科专家 在 圣弗朗西斯骨科研究所: 573-335-8257.



Dr. Edwards and his staff are great people and very professional and knowledgeable of wh在y do.










很好. 博士指出了需要做什么,然后进行下一步的测试!


Very patient never in hurry will look stuff up to explain wh在 problem is and how to fix it always polite and respectful and very knowledgeable in his profession


我在候诊室等了大约10分钟. Dr. 爱德华兹和他的工作人员都非常友好和乐于助人. Dr. Edwards explained everything about my ankle in a way that I could understand.


优秀的护理. 解释诊断. 解释程序. 准时,不必等待.



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